About the OCCM Project

About the OCCM Project

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Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and COVID-19

Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and Inclusive Education


About the Children with Complex Medical Care Needs

In recent years, there has been a growing number of children with complex medical care needs such as the use of artificial respirators and gastrostomy tubes, and who live at home. In September 2021, the Act on Support for Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and their Families was enacted, and it specifically defines these children as those who require constant medical care to carry out their daily and social activities.

These children are collectively referred to as "children with complex medical care needs," and they propose to reconsider sociological concepts of the body and conventional notion of disability. Children with complex medical needs and their families take on a leadership role in managing advanced medical care, moving it from medical institutions to the home as a place of living. They are a very unique presence in terms of considering the role of specialized professionals.

In reality, the need for constant medical care in their everyday lives has led to many restrictions and burdens for these children and their families, which have emerged as a social issue. Therefore, we initiated this project in December 2019 with the aim of identifying the challenges faced by children with complex medical care needs and their families, and contributing to their resolution.


In this project, we focus on two themes: "Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and COVID-19" and "Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and Inclusive Education."

Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and COVID-19

We conducted a research project entitled "Children Made Vulnerable through Health Conditions and Disability: an International Exploration of Relevant Issues and Assets during the Pandemic" from September 2020 to September 2022 under the collaboration between Osaka University and University College London.

Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and Inclusive Education

We started a project entitled ‘Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and Inclusive Education’ in February 2022. The ongoing research is as follows:

  • Qualitative research on developing the expertise and establishing the professionalization of school nurses

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