Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and Inclusive Education 

Education for the Children

with Complex Medical Care Needs and School Nursing

Project overview and background

In recent years, there has been an increasing trend of Children with Complex Medical Care Needs (C-CMCN), with over 20,000 in Japan in 2019 (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 2021). Of these, there were 10,286 school-aged children. While over 80% of these students attend special needs schools, the number of C-CMCN continues to rise nationwide, regardless of school type.

Impact of the Act on Support for Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and their Families

With the implementation of the "Act on Support for Children with Special Medical Needs and Their Families" in September 2021, local governments are now responsible for guaranteeing educational opportunities and environment for children with complex medical care needs (C-CMCN) at the school level. Specifically, if the child and their family wish to attend a regular school despite requiring medical care, their wishes should be respected, and a school nurse with expertise in medical care for C-CMCN should be assigned, with various professionals working together to support the child's education. Given this situation, we believe that a new level of expertise is required in nursing to support the education of these children, which differs from existing nursing practices.

Under the "Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and Inclusive Education" project, we have started conducting research on school nursing that supports the education of C-CMCN both domestically and internationally.


Feb. 2022

We have started conducting surveys and interviews with school nurses regarding their duties at school settings. This is part of our research project on school nursing that supports the education of children with complex medical care needs both domestically and internationally.

Jun. 2022

We organized a round table session at the Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology titled "Current and Future Development of the New Profession of 'School Nurse' - Enabling Children with Complex Medical Care Needs to Attend, Learn and Grow in Local Schools"

Jul. 2022

Questionnaire survey on the involvement of school nurses with Child with Complex Medical Care needs (international comparative study) started.

Ongoing research

Questionnaire survey on the involvement of school nurses with Child

with Complex Medical Care needs (CCMC)

In recent years, there has been an increase in children with complex medical care needs such as artificial respiration and gastrostomy in their everyday lives. We are conducting an international comparative study on school nursing, which supports the education and schooling of such children in their school settings.

Please follow the link below and respond to the survey.



Teachers (including school health teachers)

Board of education staff

Administrative staff

Others who are involved in school nursing

Note that participation in this survey is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time.

About the OCCM Project

Get Involved

Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and COVID-19

Children with Complex Medical Care Needs and Inclusive Education


大阪大学 大学院 人間科学研究科